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Suburb Strategy: What is Naalya’s Strategy?

Naalya seeks to be that suburb of self-expression. Basically, a place where you can just be yourself, you can express something true to you, some of your idealism and purity of spirit. It aims to be the place of dreams. Where your dreams meet other people’s dreams. And you can question life together, you can rethink life. You can create your own products, design your life in the most authentic way possible.

And to do this, Naalya also wants to be the safest suburb in Uganda. It should be the first place in Uganda where you can wake up at 2am and have a night walk or go grab a night snack. Think of it as the place of possibilities. The goal is to attract people who think expressively, who are diverse, who appreciate synergies of culture, of perspectives, who come together to build something beautiful.

Think of it as one big family when you live in Naalya. You know the Barista at the Brood Café, you walk and know the Barber, you know the washing bay guy. You go to the mall and the movie people know you, you know them. It’s like safety everywhere. Safety starts with people knowing and caring for each other. The people who live in Naalya must really care for each other. We are building that place of endless possibilities. You could come to Naalya and start you creative business or service. You could come here and record a song; you could come here and jog. You could also come here and visit a massage parlour.

Naalya Community Cycle

Or you could come here and enjoy from the variety of restaurants. From grabbing a chicken wrap at Krunchix, or eating some Chinese dish at Sweetly defined, or getting it romantic at Dim Lights café. It’s all there, the world of Naalya is your oyster. If you want, then go attend a church service of your choice. So things such as lighting should be a big deal in Naalya. The streets will be well-lit, lighting is a fundamental of security but also an active night life. Naalya should be the place that doesn’t stop living. We are different, the people who live here are different, they are seeking much more, they are driven to create beautiful things, memorable moments, experiences, that should be Naalya for you. A place where you get rebirthed day by day, there’s soul, there’s spirit. There are big hugs everywhere, big smiles, those walking, those riding their bicycles. Naalya is the great suburb.