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Ugandan Excellence: Strategy, Operations and Projects -S.O.P

We’ve been working on a model to Ugandan Excellence. Ortega Group was formed to address this challenge, to create fires of Ugandan Excellence in individuals and organizations. It’s our outstanding mission. And today, we’ve come closer to articulating it.

It’s a model we’ve coded as S.O.P that’s to say: Strategy, Operations and Projects. Every organization is a function of those three things. The quickest way to predict the future of any organization is to ask three questions:

  1. What is their strategy?
  2. How do they do their operations?
  3. What are their projects?

For that same reason, any organization or individual that seeks Ugandan Excellence must follow the S.O.P model. Get your strategy right, get your operations right and embark on the right projects. The rest is words, and being resilient as you navigate the laws that you don’t get to control. These laws include natural calamities, and other kinds of black swans. But the S.O.P model is 99.99999% on the mark. Strategy is the clouds, Operations is all the details, Projects is the movement.

Our goal is to make Ortega Group the defining organization in the field of Strategy, Operations and Projects in Uganda. Although we have a bias to the manufacturing sector, we hope to spread this message across all other sectors in this country.

The challenge in organization has often been that consultants propose ideas, but they will never come into the implementation phase. Consultants have been heavily strategy biased. Ortega Group is transforming that model. We want to work with you to define your strategy, we then shall move with you into the detailing phase, and then work with you through the projects. That’s the 360 risk we are taking. Strategy talks about the What, the Who, the Why. Operations talks about the Why.

Operations has been the major failure of strategy in most organizations. Why? Because Operations is just hard. Every one can define strategy, but to articulate the details of how to do it. That’s the deadlock for many organizations. And we are here to transform that. It’s our commitment to Uganda but also to future generations. That’s the stone that the Ortega Group is adding to this nation. If we be remembered for one thing, let it be this Ugandan Excellence through the S.O.P model.

If you are interested in a study of your operations and a proposal to the effect, reach out on:


Phone: +256781754358