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Customer Obsessions

To be obsessed about the customer, is to dedicate a company to a lifelong mission. Customer satisfaction is not a one-off. It’s an endless journey, one must be convicted about taking this journey. You could say that some organizations have made this hard choice and taken this unending journey.

Globally, one can think of Amazon, as insanely obsessed about the customer. In Uganda, you can think of the Mandela Group and its brands such as Café Javas, City Oil and Supreme Flour. It’s hard to obsess about the customer. It calls for more, it calls for different process. It means you will be making decisions that may not even make sense to the shareholders. But those that obsess over customers will always win.

To obsess about customers is to not allow customers to queue for your product. To make waiting experiences better, it means being in the customer’s shoes all the time. Not just on Mondays or Wednesdays, it means everyday the business gets to show up for the customer.

To obsess about the customer is to keep the eye on the ball. Does it mean businesses should ignore competition? Definitely not. But they should keep their eyes on the ball (the customer). It makes a big difference.